Jackson Bliss

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Chicago + SoBe

First, i finally saw emily wednesday in chicago. we talked for awhile at cafe ennui, where the second male barista was power-tripping my ass. are you using that, he asked, pointing to my g4 that was plugged into the outlet, no right now, i said, it's recharging, but are you using it? he asked, yes, i said, well then can you unplug it please? it was bizarre. i just didn't his point. i didn't get his issue. okay, i said, laughing, i don't understand why, i added, but fine, whatever man. . . so we left that place. fuck that dude. sometimes, guys get really bitter when you're a cute dude and you're with a really attractive shorty. that's not my problem though.

Anyway, em decided to boycott cafe I'm-so-bored after that guy went all judge-Kafka on me. so then we walked, picked up eithiopian food to go at the Ethiopian diamond and hopped on the el.

--We have 5 stops, she said.
--Okay, quickly, tell me everything, I said.

We talked until the lawrence stop, and then she kissed me on the lips to say good bye, and i kissed her back, slowly lingering between her lips before she stood up to leave.

--i love you, she says. and then she was gone, just like that.
Yup, everytime i see em, it's magical.


So i've been procrastinating writing assis's 3rd chapter in my novel. i really don't want to write this chapter cuz this is where Hassan dies. i wish he didn't have to die, but i've known for months now that he has to go. it's the only way i can show the random abuse of power that les flics have in france, particularly over arabs. but still, it breaks my heart that i have to kill one of my fave characters. i've given him all the time in the world to say his last prayers. i hope he has.


I ran into t and colby at the cambodian joint last night. it was nice seeing them. we talked about our plans afterwards, lamented about the sparks prize and the vague criteria, then we speculated about shero's sexuality, took apart the department and talked about living in leland someday. t is the first man i've ever seen who basically ordered, and took down, 3 separate thai soups for dinner, before nibbling on colby's chicken pad thai. one of the soups was technically curry, but still . . .he drank it like soup.


Even though i've only hung out with erika once, i think about her all the time. i really need to see her again. i really want to know if she could be my next chemical inbalance, my next maze, my next exercise in simple present. but i won't know until i talk to her again. i won't figure out how i feel until i know how her tongue tastes in my mouth.