available now | 利用可能になりました
This experimental memoir combines lyric personal essays with autobiographical lists about growing up as a hapa teenager in small town America, falling in love in the big city, growing through the pain of cultural hyphenation, traveling to Japan for the first time as a Nisei, and teaching/serving abroad in Argentina and Burkina Faso. Dream Pop Origami is textual choreography between author and reader, an anti-memoir that resists narrative linearity at every turn, and also a series of intersecting circles, vignettes, and confessions about mixed-race Asian identity. DPO is told with a voice, an ambition, and an affection for the world that is larger than life, each narrative strand intersecting into an innovative, cohesive, and multimodal tapestry about multicultural self-discovery and racial metamorphosis.
Publication Date: 26 July 2022
“Jackson Bliss paints with words. He is the Kendrick Lamar of the literary world.”
—REGINA KING, Emmy-award-winning actress & director
“Jackson Bliss seems to have dispatched Dream Pop Origami from a future where technically adventurous nonfiction blends so perfectly with vulnerable self-discovery that it’s impossible to imagine the two functioning without each other. By intricately folding his experiences into delicate hybrid forms, Bliss has made a memoir about how to nurture the different worlds that occupy a self that is beautiful, fascinating, heartbreaking, essential.”
—JOHN D’AGATA, author of A New History of an Essay
"Jackson Bliss has written a book I dreamed about my whole life. From the moment I got obsessed with Choose Your Own Adventures as a young child to my obsession with Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch in college, I always wanted a larger canon of alternate reality storytelling. Jackson not only delivers this but also gives the device the occasion of a moving memoir about identity. Dream Pop Origami is not just a book—it's a whole immersive creative experience and the good news is once you put it down you can dare yourself another go through its seemingly endless labyrinths. The more attempts I made, the more I understood why this fragmented self-portrait required the rearranging of so many mosaic tiles. Throughout it all, Jackson's story of what it means to be hapa in our world is not lost—this book is not a compromise of style and substance but a triumph of their collaboration into something definitely brilliant."
—POROCHISTA KHAKPOUR, author of Brown Album: Essays on Exile & Identity
“Jackson Bliss knows that staying alive is much harder than anyone says it is, and DREAM POP ORIGAMI moves with an exuberant voice that keeps on singing, because it knows there might not be anything on the other side of singing, and what do we have left but gameplay, lists, quizzes, graphs, and a valentine kind of love for the dying world? It’s exactly the kind of company I need right now.”
—PAUL LISICKY, author of Later: My Life at the Edge of the World
“The crackling sound you hear is me feverishly and compulsively turning the pages of Jackson Bliss’ utterly original, genre defying riff on autobiography, memory, language and detail. It might also be Bliss himself, verbally folding and unfolding his story the way one shapes and reshapes a single piece of origami paper into any animal or object. I’m equally sure this is a magic book and that the spells all work. From an exploration of video games to Tibetan higher planes, Bliss expresses the varied ways in which the second sight of his hapa artist self animates the landscape, while taking readers on a journey through unabashed emotion, memory and a life lived with intensity and great feeling. This book is incredible.”
—MARIE MUTSUKI MOCKETT, author of American Harvest
“Bliss masterfully captures the kaleidoscopic gymnastics of his multicultural (hapa) identity, inviting the reader into humorous, heartbreaking, and insightful moments strung along a choose your own adventure. Punctuated with quizzes, lists, and charts, Dream Pop Origami seems to invoke the innovations of Ben Marcus and Karen Tei Yamashita, but these deep dives into self, race, and pop culture are a 100% Bliss.”
—SEQUOIA NAGAMATSU, author of How High We Go in the Dark
“Take a life and fold it in half then fold that half into another half; keep going until there is nothing left. Make it into something beautiful, dreamed, imagined; it can be any vision you want, that is, until it's time to take it apart, to examine just how such a self was constructed. You'll never be the same dreamer again. Jackson Bliss nonetheless exposes the creases, the wearing away of self and soul, the deterioration of appearances and the texture of the fragile nature of the idealized self against the reality into which we are constructed. Do you want to do this? he seems to ask, allowing us to spy or avert our eyes. If life is an adventure, what does it mean when you have to unfold, uncrease, unravel, destroy your life in order to live it? With candor and honesty, Bliss investigates how plans go awry, how following the pattern never leads to the perfection we seek. It is only through undoing, revisiting, and shredding our scraps that lead one to oneself. Dream Pop Origami is a beautifully made star. See for yourself.”
—JENNY BOULLY, author of Betwixt & Between: Essays on the Writing Life
“Empty of permanence and interlinked with infinite beings in a net of belonging, Jackson Bliss imagines the world of in-between places. In Dream Pop Origami, ceaseless migrations and reincarnations actualize playful transformation tales just like the samadhi of freedom folds across any and all barriers. A memoir of renga-like linked verse, a song of becoming and love.”
—DUNCAN RYUKEN WILLIAMS, author of American Sutra and Hapa Japan
“By turns sly, sorrowful, pensive, and forthright, Dream Pop Origami makes us rethink the possibilities of nonfiction writing, and of how we name and shape our identities.”
—BETH (BICH MINH) NGUYEN, author of Stealing Buddha’s Dinner
“At the risk of sounding trite, this book is just so much fun! But, like, for real—fun is just a diversion tactic for Dream Pop Origami’s honest profundity and Jackson Bliss’s expert storytelling. Each adventure is delivered in its most perfect form, ready for your interactive pleasure: To feel the complicated pleasure of nostalgia, go to chapter 22. To feel the adolescent pleasure of a game, go to chapter 28. To feel the naughty pleasure of reading Jackson Bliss’s prose, go to chapter 35. To fulfill satisfaction, read this book.”
—LILY HOANG, author of A Bestiary
“At its best, Dream Pop Origami has the density of Nabokov, but chunked into bite-sized morsels for swift consumption on the go for the modern-day reader.”
—The Southern Review
“Dream Pop Origami . . . [is] so intimate and present, I wondered if the author and I are friends (not yet) . . . It’s an explosion of words, thoughts, needs and dreams, joys that are wondrous and beautiful,”
—Lit Reactor
“In many ways this memoir is a love language to words.”
—Not Sarah Connor Blog
—Dream Pop Origami interview in BOMB, 15 June 2023
—Dream Pop Origami is a Mayday Book of the Year, 2 February 2023
—Dream Pop Origami is one of the best books of 2022 according to the LitReactor, 22 December 2022
—Dream Pop Origami is one of the thirty best books of 2022 according to the Independent Book Review, 8 December 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in This Podcast Will Change Your Life with Ben Tanzer, 16 November, 2022
—Dream Pop Origami excerpt published in the Adroit Journal, 6 September 2022
—Dream Pop Origami is the #1 best-selling softcover nonfiction book in Northern Michigan, Traverse City Record Eagle, 28 August 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in the Lives of Writers podcast, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Lives of Writers, 2 September 2022
—Dream Pop Origami reviewed in The Southern Review, 25 August 2022
—Dream Pop Origami excerpt in Hyphen, 18 August 2022
—Dream Pop Origami reviewed in Ben Tanzer’s “A Nonfiction Roundup both Wondrous and Beautiful,” LitReactor, 17 August 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in The Rumpus with Marie Mutsuki Mockett, 10 August 2022
—Dream Pop Origami included in Books & Scarves, 7 August 2022
—Craft essay about Dream Pop Origami published in LitReactor, 26 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in Authors Answer, 26 July 2022
—“The Big Idea: Jackson Bliss’ Dream Pop Origami" published in John Scalzi’s Whatever, 26 July 2022
—“If My Book: Dream Pop Origami” published in Monkey Bicycle, 26 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami excerpt published in Juked, 23 July 2022
—Author interview published on the Unsolicited Press website, 10 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami excerpt published in Hypertext, 8 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in Hypertext, 8 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami mentioned in Vol. 1 Brooklyn July Book Preview, 7 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami mentioned in the Hasty Book July List, 1 July 2022
—Dream Pop Origami excerpt published in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, 21 June 2022
—Dream Pop Origami included in Big Indie Books for “My Top-5 Literary Influences,” 16 June 2022
—Dream Pop Origami mentioned in Awesome Gang interview, 15 May 2022
—Dream Pop Origami interview in Book Q & As with Deborah Kalb, 5 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Apparel for Authors, 26 April 2022
—Dream Pop Origami is one of Independent Book Reviews Most Anticipated Books of 2022, 21 April 2022
—Dream Pop Origami is mentioned in Shoutout LA interview, 18 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs & Dream Pop Origami mentioned in Past/Forward & A World Without Books & Past/Forward podcast, 12 April 2022
—Dream Pop Origami included in Taylor Swift as Books, 24 June 2021
AMNESIA OF JUNE BUGS redefines what a novel can be. Hurricane Sandy has just smashed into the Eastern Seaboard, trapping four passengers on the C train: a Chinese American graffiti artist grieving his father’s death, a mixed-race graphic designer struggling to become a mom, a Moroccan French translator escaping his heartache in Paris, and an Indian American traveler leaving Chicago to regain control of her life. Amnesia of June Bugs is an ambitious, infatuated, and furious book about the time we lost and the people we could have loved.
Publication Date: 26 April 2022
“Jackson Bliss paints with words. He is the Kendrick Lamar of the literary world.”
—REGINA KING, Emmy-award-winning actress & director
“Amnesia of June Bugs is a lush, kaleidoscopic love song to the city. Jackson Bliss’s voice is original, and intricately wrought. It is cerebral and tender. There is so much passion and love in these pages. I love how central a role identity and mixed race experience play here, and how this thrilling story keeps you gripped all the while, like a train underground in a storm, headed for what you can’t know but can’t stop reading to find out.”
—TOMMY ORANGE, Pulitzer Prize winning author of There There
“In Amnesia of June Bugs, Jackson Bliss has written a bold, innovative masterpiece. I luxuriated over every sentence of this smart, zeitgeisty novel. At once tender and acute, Bliss deftly captures the multifaceted lives of his diverse cast of characters. The amalgamation of honest characters, stylistic feats, and shrewd social commentary makes this singular novel a must-read.
—AMY MEYERSON, author of The Bookshop of Yesterdays and The Imperfects
“In Amnesia of June Bugs, Jackson Bliss delivers a hip, intimate, and heartfelt exploration of our multicultural, cosmopolitan world, one full of promise and yet under threat. He is one of the great advocates and defenders of such a world, so urgently embodied in this very necessary novel.”
—VIET THANH NGUYEN, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Sympathizer
“I love this book. Word for word, sentence for sentence, page for page, Jackson Bliss is a narrative and syntactical wonder. And in this novel—a cultural takedown that is at times gentle, at times furious and incisive—he takes no prisoners. Each character is both an ordinary individual navigating an unforgiving 21st urban landscape—Paris, Seattle, Chicago, New York—and an indefatigable warrior committed to love, to art, and to dispensing with the racism, hatred, and violence they encounter on the daily. Amnesia of June Bugs is a howl and a call to recreate the world one friendship, one lover, once chance urban encounter at a time. I will read it again and again.
—BONNIE NADZAM, author of Lions and Lamb
“A virtuosic feat of storytelling with fire on every page. It feels prophetic, like a meditation on aspects of identity and pop culture that haven’t even been invented yet.”
—JAMIE FORD, NYT bestselling author of books not as well written as this one
”In Amnesia of June Bugs, Ginger Lin, Winnie Yu, Aziz Al-Wahnan, and Suzanne Gupta are trapped on the C-train in the NYC underground. Hurricane Sandy swirls above. In this brief rupture in time, their rebellious metamorphoses intersect, stories emerging from hybrid bodies, woven cultures, translingual narratives at play with graffiti, screenplay, questionnaire, lyric lists. Jackson Bliss, diasporic hapa-Whitman, has written protest poem, manifesto, and anthem—a 21st century love song to America.
—KAREN TEI YAMASHITA, author of Sansei & Sensibility: Stories
“Jackson Bliss is as verbally exuberant as any writer I've come across in years. Amnesia of June Bugs is beautifully conceived, powerful, affecting, hip, comedic, and as close to being of-the-moment as it is possible for a novel to be.”
—T.C. BOYLE, award-winning author of The Terranauts
"A kaleidoscopic and polyphonic novel that vividly portrays a multicultural, Pan-Asian world while reflecting, in smart and moving ways, on the complications and complexities of art, identity, love, and belonging."
—JENNY BHATT, author of Each of Us Killers
“A visionary novel that boldly invents a new American patois to light the way. Jackson Bliss is hellbent on telling the truth about the lived experience of his diverse characters and the result is haunting and shot through with weird pathos. Cutting edge but timeless in its preoccupation with the human heart and the grace notes found therein.”
—GABE HUDSON, author of Gork, The Teenage Dragon and Dear Mr. President
“Ingenious in premise and wise in execution, this novel explores how lines of class, race, and nationality divide us in real and painful ways. Both tough-minded and generous, it finds us also capable of forging connections with great tensile strength. Bliss offers a portrait of American culture both true and unlike any I have encountered."
—ELISE BLACKWELL, author of Hunger and The Lower Quarter
“Bliss delves deep into the strikingly different stories and experiences that have led each character to New York at this exact moment when their paths happen to cross. With his amalgamation of writing styles, Bliss upends the norms of the typical narrative. His experimental debut novel shows humans connecting, in the midst of their various individual struggles and identities, in real and surprising ways.”
“The flow of observations, from Williamsburg hipsters to Bronx classrooms and Chinatown domino games, is both agitated and poetic, resulting in a multicultural, shifting perspective. Beyond its four “prisoners of darkness and coincidence,” Amnesia of June Bugs recalls the boundless, ruthless, and exhilarating energy of a pre-pandemic New York. 5/5 Stars.”
“This novel is really an endlessly arising and endlessly unfolding human story that, for all the suffering at its core, remains one of community and empowerment … The story of the novel unfolds during 2012, but it is so much a novel of the current moment. It's a world that seems both on the point of collapse and on the verge of transformation … This book includes a few of the most unbearably beautiful, heart-breaking love stories I have ever read. And that's saying something.”
—One of the Notable Indie Books of 2022 for the Livingston Public Library, 11 January 2023
—Interview about Amnesia of June Bugs with Nidhi Shrivastava in The Masters Review, 3 November 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs included in Books & Scarves, 7 August 2022
—Novel chapter of Amnesia of June Bugs published in The Offing, 30 June 2022
—Interview in Are You There Ghost? It’s Me, Chiwan about Amnesia of June Bugs (podcast & Youtube), 2 June 2022
—Interview about Amnesia of June Bugs with Bonnie Nadzam in Lit Pub, 1 June 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Book Goodies interview, 24 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs listed in Book Goodies, 24 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Awesome Gang interview, 15 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs included in Awesome Gang, 14 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs included in Mixed-Race Studies, 13 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs included in Taylor Swift as Books, 5 May 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Vol.1 Brooklyn’s “Morning Bites,” 3 May 2022
—Essay about Amnesia of June Bugs published in Necessary Fiction’s Research Notes: ”For Ten Years, This Novel was a Chunk of Starlight that I Buried In the Thick Earth & Then Dug Up Again, Heartbroken & Stubborn,” 29 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs is one of Bookshop’s New Release titles, 28 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs is a Foreword Reviews Book of the Day, 5/5 stars, 27 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Apparel for Authors, 26 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs reviewed in Foreword Reviews, 25 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs mentioned in Shoutout LA interview 18 April 2022
—Amnesia of June Bugs & Dream Pop Origami mentioned in Past/Forward & A World Without Books & Past/Forward podcast, 12 April 2022
—Book Review for Amnesia of June Bugs, Booklist, 1 March 2022
Noemi Press
A celebration of the infinite ways in which stories can be told, challenged, imagined, and subverted. From a fragmented ransom note to hanging footnotes, a contemporary fairy tale to coded text, intersecting pieces of flash fiction about driving to a backwards story about gradual blindness, a listicle about challenging corporate culture to how-to guides for performing wokeness, a Chicago intersection with eight separate destinies to an impossible dating application, Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is an exploration of not just mixed-race/hapa identity in Michigan (and the American Midwest), but also a triumphant affirmation of the world we live in, the people we love, the worlds we imagined, and the people we should have been with. Purchase your copy here & Jackson will love you forever.
Publication Date: 1 October 2021
“Jackson Bliss, human kaleidoscope, sees, absorbs, considers, changes, plays with, and creates characters and situations that absolutely ring with aliveness. This writer's insatiable appetite for the world and all we do in it transforms into gorgeous sentences and playful/serious inquiry here. A book of inspiring vitality and perception.”
—AIMEE BENDER, author of The Butterfly Lampshade
“A thrilling switchback roller coaster of a collection - by turns magical and absurd, nerdy and punk, soulful and furious. Read it/ride it - you’ll have your hands in the air, your heart in your mouth, the wind in your hair!”
—PETER HO DAVIES, author of A Lie Someone Told You About Yourself
“This beautiful collection! Here are stories that challenge form, that attack the status quo, that ask urgent questions about love and identity and meaning and demand we sit up and pay attention to our answers. I left Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments renewed and inspired. Jackson Bliss’s boundary-pushing collection is an exquisite reminder that fiction, when written with this much heart and courage, can expand our understanding of what it means to be alive. You need to read this book.”
—JULIE BUNTIN, author of Marlena
“There's an incredibly powerful attractive force waiting for you in every Jackson Bliss story, an irresistible magnetism powered by his energetic and welcoming voice, by his mathematical structural precision, by the wit and joy and justice that propel his fiction. This is one of the most inviting and innovative collections I've read, an endlessly compelling source of righteous adventure and wonder."
—MATT BELL, author of Appleseed
“Read this book for its endless invention, its vibrancy and intelligence, its urgency, its velocity, its enormous heart and troubled soul. Read this book for the aching poignancy of the lists, and all that is invested in that gesture. Read it for the way Jackson Bliss moves through the fleeting, fugitive, baffling world searching for the ballast and the deep consolation only fiction of the highest order attempts to find.”
—CAROLE MASO, author of Defiance and The Art Lover
"Energized and energizing, Jackson Bliss’s Counterfactual Love Stories posits fusion and confusion as problem and possibility, from race, gender, and wealth inequality to genre, form, and perspective, all with an eye toward exploring how we might make meaning(s) out of our illegible, hyperbolic now. Every sentence is a surprising and sometimes vulnerable, sometimes satiric bite, data-dense as a shockwave ride through some video game committed to showing us what five minutes into our future will look like.”
—LANCE OLSEN, author of My Red Heaven and Skin Elegies
“Jackson Bliss sends the whole mixed-race, mixed-ability world spinning in these stories. Lucky for us, he has just the right besotted dream language to share his visions and just the right koans to satisfy our need for mystery. Counterfactual Loves Stories & Other Experiments is funny, provocative, and soulful—it’s a wild ride and you should climb onboard. "
—VALERIE SAYERS, author of Brain Fever and The Powers
“Of course the cover color of Jackson Bliss’s epochal collection for the anthropocene, Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments, is fetching Coral. This book is made up of storied and honeycombed restless ramparts and multi-chambered reefs of intricate interlocking organic masonry, both delicate and enduring. Don’t let the title fool you. These are shifting and shifty fictions, artfully articulated cantilevers levered and buttresses flying. These are walls of sound in the wakes of spectacular wrecks! Here is the geological poetry of ice age glaciers gliding on their own tectonic melting.”
—MICHAEL MARTONE, author of The Complete Writing of Art Smith and The Moon Over Wapakoneta
“It’s supra-fun to hang out with Jackson Bliss’s brain. These stories play and provoke, reminding us that fiction can nudge the world and that the world needs a nudge.”
—REBECCA SCHIFF, author of The Bed Moved
“Jackson Bliss may have invented a new genre of fiction, call it hapa fiction. In this collection of genre-crossing stories, a Norwegian woman and Japanese man meet in a glass museum and give birth to a demi-god glass blower. Gangs of tweens fight for racial justice on the streets of Grand Rapids. A lawyer vapes as she gazes longingly at the skyline of Tokyo while mixed-race kids left alone in Chicago compose songs from the notes blown by tugboats on the river. The realism in these stories is magical and Bliss makes the wonder that infuses them breezy as a jazz riff in a late-night Tokyo lounge. Or maybe it’s Chicago."
—STEVE TOMASULA, author of Once Human: Stories
"Jackson Bliss' experimental love stories are experimental because they must be, because the lives of his mixed-race, marginalized characters are, for the most part, unheard, unsung. To the Midwest canon, Bliss has added not simply literature but a nuanced counterfactual history."
—Cleveland Review of Books
"Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is Jackson's first book and is as fine an introduction to his ecstatic and heartbreaking work as I can imagine."
—Los Angeles Review of Books
"Jackson Bliss's debut book of fiction, Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is exactly what the title claims—a collection of exciting, bold experiments that stretch the notion of what a story can be. Of the thirteen stories in it, no two share the same form. Yet underneath the narrative invention, the genre-bending fireworks, and the speculative characters, Bliss's stories are meditations on classic themes: time, autonomy, race, and, of course, love."
"Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments unsettles the way we know the world, or the conditions of knowledge which render the world stable, reliable, and predictable ... [a] background in music and composition shapes the musicality of Bliss' prose bringing electric neon to classical shape and form."
—Chicago Review of Books
"Among the much-deserved, sky-high praise for Jackson Bliss's brand-new short fiction collection . . . this [book] is indeed kaleidoscopic: wild and vivid at one turn, astute and contemplative the next, these are stories you tumble inside, bright portals to compelling people and places and circumstances that, like love itself, feel both universal and wholly unique."
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments mentioned Snow Flakes Arise, 14 Feb 2023
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments mentioned in Awesome Gang interview, 15 May 2022
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments mentioned in Oberlin College’s Alumni Magazine, 1 May 2022
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments mentioned in Apparel for Authors, 26 April 2022
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is mentioned in Shoutout LA, 18 April 2022
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is a fiction bestseller for December & January, Small Press Distribution, 1 February 2022
—Book Review for Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments in the Cleveland Review of Books, 26 January 2022
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is a fiction bestseller for October & November, Small Press Distribution, 1 December 2021
—Interview in Los Angeles Review of Books with Bryan Hurt about Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments, 14 November 2021
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments included in Alta’s California Book Club for November, 2 November 2021
—Book Review for Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments in Heavy Feather Review, 9 November 2021
—Interview in No Contact with Gauraa Shekhar about Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments, 26 October 2021
—Interview in ZYZZYVA with Peter Schlachte about Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments, 22 October 2021
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments included in New Pages Book Stand as a “New & Noteworthy” book for October, 20 October 2021.
—Book Review for Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments in the Chicago Review of Books, 14 October 2021
—Interview in Juked with Ashley Farmer about Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments, 10 October 2021
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments ranked #2 in Amazon Hot Releases, 7 October 2021
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments is a Book of the Month at Vol. 1 Brooklyn, 5 October 2021
—Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments mentioned in BlazeVox, 26 September 2021
—Book Review for Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments reposted in Discover Nikkei, 12 Sept 2021
—Book Review for Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments in BG Independent News, 11 November 2020