
SpeXgra-3, The Drug of Choice for both Commoners and also Members of SOS

SpeXgra-3, The Drug of Choice for both Commoners and also Members of SOS

Also known as “Melodia” in the A1 (or “Almost 1st World”), SpeXgra-3 is a powerful, time-released pill combining the benefits of pharmaceutical grade speed (post-legalization), refined time-release Ecstasy (X), concentrated Indica oil, and Sixth Generation Viagra.  While earlier versions (called SX-1 and SX-2, as they're popularly known), were used almost exclusively in sex clubs, polyamory, polygamous, and swinger communities, and in most sex-positive relationships (of all genders, identities, and sexual orientations), by the time SX-3 was created, subsidized by single payer health care systems throughout the industrialized world, and globally distributed, it had turned into the drug of not just sex for digital orgies and train sex, but romantic love in general until virtually all serious relationships incorporated SX-3 consumption at some stage.  Even in sexless or asexual relationships, SX-3 use became prolific as it became useful in provoking feelings of general euphoria, empathy, openness, affection, time dilation, and connectivity.


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