Side Title (DML3) Option #1.jpg

*Society of Sensualism*

For the SOS, sex—whether tantric, x-rated, soft and sweet, orgiastic, performative, soulful, robotic, animalistic, rough, role-playing, high school lover, psychedelically inspired, with androids, at Dark Parties, inside abandoned staircases, or SX-3 or weed-enhanced—was a unique language with which species narrated their own cosmologies through interconnectivity, writing not just the history of their evolutionary bodies in every sexual act, but also narrating the planetary configuration of all bodies of motion to which their bodies are subject microcosmically.  Furthermore, the definition of all terms is relative, unstable, and equivocally "spectral."

Abandon Earth Now (Exit Dukkha, My Love)

Goodbye Earth, Goodbye World

Goodbye Earth, Goodbye World