It’s official! Amnesia of June Bugs is now out there in the world! I really can’t wrap my mind around that fact, least of all because for so much of my life, this novel has been inside my head, contained in my thoughts, stuck in the fortress of my heart, and sentenced to the prison of Word document. If you’ve been reading my blog, then you know I submitted a version of this novel to the Kaya Press editorial board back in 2015 after having worked with the smart and savvy Sunyoung Lee for two years on all the things the board wanted us to change (which we did dutifully). And while I was totally gutted after the second and final rejection, I’m happy now to see this novel reaching its audience at a moment in time when I think readers are craving complex, non-reductive narratives about BIPOC characters and their unique navigation of reality in this world. So, do yourself a favor and grab yourself a copy if you haven’t already! My debut novel will do the rest!
Dropped on 26 April 2022!