My short story, “French Vowels that Make You Look Like Goldfish,” was published today at Vol.1 Brooklyn, which is part of my experimental short story collection, COUNTERFACTUAL LOVE STORIES & OTHER EXPERIMENTS,
Read More“Semi-Permeable Membrane” out today in the Columbia Journal
Short Story Published in COLUMBIA JOURNAL
My short story, “Semi-Permeable Membrane,” which is part of my upcoming short story collection, COUNTERFACTUAL LOVE STORIES & OTHER EXPERIMENTS, was published today by the Columbia Journal,
Read MoreTwo Short Stories Published in M.E.L.U.S.
Two of my short stories, “Secret Codes & Oppressive Histories” and “10 Zen Koans” were published recently in the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States journal.
Read MoreI Actually Won Something!
In Disbelief but Stoked AF
So, I won the 2020 Noemi Press Book Prize in Prose and short story collection, COUNTERFACTUAL LOVE STORIES & OTHER EXPERIMENTS will be published in 2021!
Read MoreDream Pop Origami to be Published in 2022 by Unsolicited Press
I just got a dream fucking email by Unsolicited Press that they want to publish my experimental memoir, Dream Pop Origami. I’m in shock.
Read MoreAmnesia of June Bugs to be Published in 2022 by 7.13 Books
I’ve been holding on to this secret for a little while now after signing and returning the publisher’s contract because I wanted to wait until the moment felt right to me, but the day has finally come! I sold my very first novel, Amnesia of June Bugs to 7.13 Books
Read More2nd Piece Accepted in 2019
This morning I learned that my craft essay, “The Cult of Likeability (or Why You Should Kill Your Literary Friendships)” was accepted for publication in TriQuarterly.
Read More1st Piece Accepted in 2019
So today I got the awesome news that my short story “Geography of Desire” was accepted by Juked.
Read MoreOn Track At Last
Here we are now, in a strange & beautiful galaxy for the first time. After negotiating my job offer for a long & grueling week (where I constantly doubted myself & worried about tenure track horror stories of rescinded offers by small religious liberal arts colleges) & then waiting a long & torturous month for my contract to finally arrive via express mail, I can now finally say that I’ve accepted an offer to be the new assistant professor of English & creative writing at Bowling Green State University, starting in August.
Read More2nd Piece Accepted in 2018
Today, I got the best kind of email from an editor at Longreads and learned that I’d sold an essay of mine from my experimental memoir, DREAM POP ORIGAMI. This is a major victory for me . . .
Read MoreWhere Our Story Becomes Your Story
1st Piece Accepted in 2018
So, I just finished talking to one of the projects assistants on the phone and I’m happy, shocked, and (completely fucking) stoked to announce that my flash nonfiction piece “Lennon Wall” will be published in the New York Times in a few weeks in the Modern Love column for their Tiny Love Stories project.
Read MoreThe Slowness of Being on Submission
I'm writing this entry mostly for myself, but also for other aspiring literary fiction writers looking for blog entries about what it's like going on submission as a literary fiction writer.
Read More2nd Piece Accepted in 2017
My short story about class/race in Humboldt Park, "Guide to the Other Side of the Universe," which is part of my short story collection, Geography of Desire, was accepted yesterday in the Angel City Review, an awesome LA-based literary journal. Stay tuned for more deetz!
1st Piece Accepted in 2017
I got the great news yesterday that my short story "Conspiracy of Lemons," which is part of my conceptual short story collection, City of Sand, was accepted in Witness, a journal I've been sending submissions to off and on since 2010. It's incredibly satisfying to finally get a piece in that literary journal. Stay tuned!
Where literary and cultural analysis get a face lift
Meet your APIA Ploughshares Blogger for 2017
I got the great news recently that I'll be blogging for Ploughshares for 2017, focusing on APIA literature, gender constructions, and video games as literature, among other things.
Prose Poem Published in 7x7 LA
The tattoos on your forearms are secret passage to puberty.
Sexuality becomes a magic trick to cut yourself in half.
Read More6th Piece Accepted in 2016
Today I got an email telling me that my personal essay, "When Words Make You Real," was accepted in the mixed-race anthology The Beiging of America, which is awesome. I'm happy, proud even, to be part of such a groundbreaking but also crucial anthology exploring what it means to be mixed race (in my case, hapa) in America.
Novella Chapter Published in JOYLAND
In this confusing time of professional androgyny and male disempowerment, men were wounded birds. Dual income households had emasculated them of their sacred institutions of power. Wings clipped, humbled and demoted to democratic gender roles, men had no choice now but to accept their new gun-to-the-head humanism and become motivation speakers and fitness gurus, construction muscle and Pentagon Yes-Men.
Read More5th Piece Accepted in 2016
Today, I got the great news that a chapter from my novella, The Laws of Rhetoric and Drowning, was accepted by Hobart, which publishes fantastic fiction and interviews, among other things. I'm really happy to see this piece put in the public eye! Stay tuned for more deetz.
Lyrical Essay Published in Guernica
There was a flower arrangement to our entrées, a harmony of light and darkness inside the dining room, a small ceremony for the chilled chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes, crisp Arugula salads, haunting ginger slices and incinerating Thai soups, that was uniquely Japanese in spirit and decor
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