Good Rejection from Brick Magazine

While this is a gracious + thoughtful rejection letter, strangely enough, this is the second time BRICK magazine has told me my essay was both engaging but also "too personal." I'm trying to imagine an essay that's not personal, + I'm having a hard time understanding how someone writes nonfiction without being extremely personal (unless it's journalism).  Either way, I really appreciate the kind words but I don't understand that critique, at least not for this genre.

Dear Jackson,

Thank you for submitting " . . . " to Brick. Although your piece is very engaging, I regret that we must pass on it as it is a bit too personal to be of interest to our more general readership. We are a casual literary journal, and we generally publish pieces on art and the writing life. 

We do wish you all the best with your writing.
A*** G*******-R**

Good Rejection from Brick Magazine

For some reason, I can't get a piece in Brick Magazine. I've been trying for like years:

Dear Jackson,

Thank you for your submission. Although "...." is
very well written and engaging, we decided that it isn’t quite right
for Brick. We are a casual literary journal, and we generally publish
pieces on art and the writing life. That being said, it is an
interesting piece and I’m sure you’ll find a good home for it in a
more appropriate publication.

My apologies for the brevity of this message. The number of
submissions we receive forces us to resort to these terribly
impersonal replies. We do wish you all the best with your writing.

Thank you again for thinking of us.

Best wishes,

Brick, A Literary Journal
PO Box 609, Station P
Toronto, Ontario M4T 2M5