So, an editor that I deeply admire at a major imprint just started reading DREAM POP ORIGAMI, my experimental memoir about patchwork hapa identity, and of course my internal dialogue for the past week has been nothing but:
Read MorePersonal Essay Published on the Good Men Project
My newest essay about polymorphous masculinity, boyhood, Diasporic alienation, Asian Illegibility, feminism, and self-belief is now live at the Good Men Project.
Article about the Poverty of Male Affection Published in the Good Men Project
As some of you might know, after I started my dissertation, I became really invested in the (de)construction, mediation + question of contemporary masculinity, in part because I think we live in a fascinating time in history where gender roles are necessarily collapsing (+ where the push-back becomes even more violent). Anyway, this time I wrote a short piece in the Good Men Project about the lack of affection between (+ for) straight men, how it starts with our old school fathers, continues with our classmates + male friends + continues until we either confront the void inside us or until we're fortunate enough to surround ourselves with people who are loving, affectionate, open + communicative with us. If you have a second, you can check it out here.