Katherine Fausett Asks for Partial of The Amnesia of Junebugs

Today, I received this email + it gave me hope:

Dear Jackson,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your manuscript BLANK, which I would be happy to consider. Can you please email me the first three chapters as an attachment?

I will read as soon as I'm able and will get back to you.


Katherine Fausett

So I sent her a 3 chapter teaser + prologue, that happened to be full of sex, but I told her the rest of the novel wasn't so Henry Miller. I can't get too excited about this, but I feel like I can make a few conclusions:

1. My Novel Queries are improving
2. There are some agents out there that are willing to give young, talented, committed, but also unknown, emerging writers a chance. I just met one today.

I Hope, Therefore I Write

I just sent query letters for my novel The Amnesia of Junebugs to Katherine Fausset and Jim Rutman and I'm wondering whether being in Argentina will positively or negatively prejudice my chances of getting a top-notch literary agents. Considering how many agents don't accept email queries, it seems like a bad move I admit. But I'm hopeful that Beth de Guzman will eventually help me out or that something else will work out eventually. I still hope because I'd stop writing otherwise.