I got the good news a few days ago that I've been accepted as one of the readers at the Mixed Remixed Festival 2016 for a panel on hapa writers entitled "Hapa Writers: Our Stories." As some of you might remember, I went last year and the festival blew my fucking mind away. Suddenly, mixed race identity was the rule. It felt amazing to be part of a community (even a temporary one) made of multiracial artists, intellectuals, poets, writers, activists, and filmmakers, all of them with different stories, different narrative modalities, different experiences and cultural vocabularies. It was so fucking dope going last year and it'll be even more dope participating in it this year. I'm incredibly proud and excited to be part of this project
Cultural Analysis Essay Published in The Daily Dot
My newest piece on textual hyperabundance. the rise of the online commentocracy class, and the way the internet has fundamentally changed the way we read, is now up at the always-awesome Daily Dot.