I learned a week ago that I won the 2020 Noemi Press Book Prize in Prose, so my short story collection, COUNTERFACTUAL LOVE STORIES & OTHER EXPERIMENTS will be published in 2021! These are lit the first stories I ever wrote, the stories that helped me realize that I was a fiction writer, which I of course then revised off and on for the next fifteen years, but who’s counting? In any case, I didn’t see this coming at all. I never win book contests. Statistically, almost no one does. And to be honest, I almost erased this email before I read it, my finger hovering over the delete button as I opened it. Anyway, I’m still a little shocked but mostly, I’m ecstatic that these stories have found a home with an amazing press. I’ll have three books coming out in a year, which is . . . fucking insane.
I Actually Won Something!